TSplus Server Monitoring
Real-time server and website monitoring software for remote work infrastructures. Get historical and real-time data about your servers, websites, applications and users.
Get real-time reports and alerts of performance issues in your remote work infrastructure. Monitor all servers, websites, applications, and users from one user-friendly comprehensive console.
Server Monitoring comes with permanent affordable licenses. Optimize your IT costs by monitoring and detecting over-licensed applications.
Discover quick wins such as moving some users from overloaded servers to under-used servers. Thanks to smart and easy-to-read reports, increase your servers’ performance and your users’ productivity.
Display an overview of your server performance (CPU, Memory, Disk read and Disk write) over the last 10 minutes.
An Agent can take control and troubleshoot independently or collaboratively: multiple Agents can connect to the same remote computer.
Show the processes currently used on the selected server, and other key indicators.
Monitor the bandwidth usage (up and down) of the selected server.
Display users currently connected to the selected server.
Use standard reports or customize your own to view, export, print or email your servers’ performance indicators.
Display, export, print or email the number of concurrent sessions for the specified server(s) and period of time.
The Server average performance Report displays the average performance (CPU, Memory, and Disk usage) for the specified server(s) and period of time.
The Network Usage Report displays the network usage for the specified server(s) and period of time.
The User Presence Report displays the user presence for the specified server(s) and period of time.
The User Attendance Report displays the user attendance for the specified server(s) and period of time.
The Application usage per server and user Report displays the application usage per user for the specified server(s) and period of time. The Application usage per server Report displays the application usage for the specified server(s) and period of time.
Easily check that all your websites have been running properly over the last 30 days, or the period of time of your choice. This simple real-time report includes an overview as well as the possibility to deep dive into specific machines, further into the past.
The Website Availability Report displays the uptime in percentage for the specified website and period of time you wish to analyze.
The Website Response Report displays the responses codes for the specified website and period of time.
The Website Response Time Report displays the maximum, average and minimum response time in milliseconds for the specified website and period of time.
When you start monitoring a server, the software automatically creates standard alerts sent to you by email when certain metrics’ thresholds are passed and come back to normal.
Set up server alerts for key metrics; processor, memory, disk read/write usage, disk used space, active users and downtime duration.
Website alerts include Response Time, Downtime Duration and incidentally Availability.
Create your own server or website alerts by defining specific thresholds for the metrics you want to monitor closely. When a threshold is passed or when the situation returns to normal, the system sends email notifications.
Server Monitoring will closely monitor the chosen metric and send you an email as soon as the targeted threshold is reached or exceeded. Server Monitoring will also send you an email when that metric is back to normal.You can decide to send an email to several recipients.
Additionally, easily check the history of your alerts via your dashboard.